Mine seems to be at zero lately. When I read something I have to read it over again maybe even three times before it finally clicks. I don't know if its my brother constantly screaming that's keeping me from comprehending anything or all this new stress. I'm trying to read tis article for school writen by some guy in the 1940's about his philosophy on music. Any other week in the year I'd be interested, but I can't handle it right now. Reading this now is like the first time I even looked at Shakesphere.
I went to the library today though and got a few books on Islam. I figure I might as well educate myself to keep my mind from depression.
I hate how all these guys are messaging me thinking I'm free fuckable ground now. When really all of you are the furthest thing from my mind. The last thing I want right now is your stupid game all up in my business. I'M NOT INTERESTED.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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