I hadn't visited The Best Page In the Universe in a while, but i did tonight. His new comments on Crocs have reassured my conscience that i am not a total asshole for thinking everyone who owns a pair should set themselves on fire.
(I can also thank Vincent for introducing me to Maddox last year with the Alphabet of Manliness.)
So, it's about 2 in the morning. I have 28% of remaining battery power on my computer, which means i have approximately 51 minutes to complain about how i did absolutely nothing productive today besides watching a movie while simultaneously braiding my hair and eating apple jacks. Oh! Joaquin also gave me the idea to make a Valentines Day playlist. I did that, too.
Right this very second Pseudo Grandparents walked in the door home from El Salvador, they've been gone for a month and are probably extremely jet-lagged. i thought about hiding in their closet when i heard the car pull up, just to throw some confetti and welcome them back to the living hell that has consumed this house. But then i weighed the probability of a heart attack, and decided against it considering i cheated when i was certified for CPR.
I just stumbled upon this gem of a website, which proves to me there are still funny people on earth that i wanted to be friends with.
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