check out my babies.
today was pretty much just school and work. the day started off alright, i didn't get up on time but i got to school on time. Billy greeted me way too energetically in first period ceramics, and i was caught off guard! Anita told me about some crazy stuff that happened over homecoming weekend, which sucks because if i wasn't sick i would've been at both those parties protecting dumb Asian girls from good sweet hearted guys. but anyways.
work was alright, it went by fast, it always does when i work with Cherry. i took some pictures of her with Oktoclops and she got mad. After work i had a few minutes so i called Keith but he was busy doing college things so i called Brad and i told him crazy stories about being sick over the weekend, and he complained about his broken sidekick. Then I came home, watched The Hills, GO ELODIE! Fuck you flat faced Audrina your boyfriend is a douche bag. i am really caught up in the drama, DEAL WITH IT.
school tomorrow yuck
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