Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Questionable Information
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Displaced Day
what went down.
-went to work at 7am
-got sick at 7:30am
-went home at 10:30am
-lied in bed from 11am until now 2:16am watching Weeds season 2 and
eating tortilla chips. I don't plan on moving anytime soon
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The First Christmas
I colored my hair back to brown, extensions are back in, I feel like myself again.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Break
When it rains, it pours.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Snow
meet up with Josh and I had to drive in this. I've been living in snow
all week, and he still hasn't shown me how to make a proper snow-person.
I'm pissed!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The New Love
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Lack of Interest
I've been here in Portland almost 4 months now, but I want to move on. I want to see other parts of the world, but unfortunately I have too much shit to do, too many responsibilities and not enough cash. I plan on fiercely kicking rocks out of this place after Baking school is over in July of next year. To where? Some place I've never been, some place i want to be. Boston? New York? Wisconsin? Atlanta? Canada?
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Wild I Will Never See
Tonight is the first night I've been home since last Sunday night, i can't ever sleep here.
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Pamphlet
of liter(ature) and a marker.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Concentration
I have to go pick Josh up from work later tonight around midnight, I hope I can stay awake. Usually when I'm too tired to pick him up I just turn up my music really loud in my car so I will be forced to stay awake. I have never felt so tired that I felt like falling asleep at the wheel, fuck that. Since tomorrow we both have the day off we're going to see Milk FINALLY!
I bought an Outbreak shirt just now for $6.00 because I feel the constant need to spend money.
Thanksgiving blew. Josh and Tim came over and made me feel less awkward around my family. We can't all get together anymore because of retarded drama, so I didn't get to spend what used to be my favorite holiday with my favorite family members. Josh made good pies and food while i slept, and then we went over to my Grandma's and had dinner. Awkward conversations, awkward memories of me when I was little, never bring your friends to Thanksgiving.
P.S. no matter how far away you are or how much we don't talk, i will still hate every girl you speak to and love the retarded shit out of you. I think we're moving on? What the fuck is that shit?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Farewell
Is a light in the dark of humanity,
And when the days are done,
I won't forget,
Timid steps - come walk with me,
And with your useless words,
Come talk to me,
There are broken hearts,
Now on your stereo,
But the broken beats are just too slow.."
-American Nightmare
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Mall
of the horrendous experience.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The New Beginning
for the next day, I made dough figures.
I'm trying to work on not being such an asshole to myself. I honestly
need to stop eating so much cereal and ice cream, and I need to get more
sleep. My room is so lonely at night it's hard to sleep. I'm extremely
impatient and extremely impulsive, I'm afraid these are things I will
not be able to change. I'm also really hateful and bitter, but I like it
that way.
The last week of lazyness has made me want to get out and fix shit, I'm
working on it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Confusion
I have everything I want and nothing I need, I don't know if it's worse this way.
Friday, November 07, 2008
The Honest Addiction
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Election Date
Sunday night I saw Ceremony, Have Heart, and Blacklisted at Satyricon. It was the best show I've been to since I've been here. I got so pumped seeing Ceremony finally, I have a huge bruise on my left foot, it's massive, and someone decided to walk on my shoulders. Josh hurt his thumb running into a wall pretty bad, we came out beaten the fuck up but it was worth it.
I'm really poor, and Bridge Nine is having a fatty sale, but I enrolled in school at the Oregon Culinary Institute, so fuck it!
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Halloween
I feel bad for never being home ever, i just feel like total shit today.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Phone Pictures
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Breakfast in Bed
To put you into bed, kiss your cheek, and check your pulse
Make sure you're still breathing, with their hand up to your nose
I wish that could be me, but it's just not possible."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The World
everything and I like who I am. I cannot stress enough how much I hate
being told what to do but yet I still can't control my own life because
my family won't let me. One day you will all regret it when we don't
speak anymore.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Dead Time
since 5:45 and I have made 4 drinks, 3 of them just regular coffees. It
is now 7:22am, and its extremely cold outside. The sun is just now
rising, I wish you could see it, the sky is bright purple and pink.
I went to a pumpkin patch on Sauvie Island with my grandparents and some
other family members. It was really cold and I had been really depressed
all day so I didn't feel like being there. I have been exhausted for the
last three days. I slept over at josh's house thursday night, came home
around 10:30 am friday morning, took a shower and then passed out until
5pm. Friday night I fell asleep on my couch at midnight and woke up
saturday morning at 11am to jake's phone call. Then I did the pumpkin
patch thing and came home around 8, and I passed out at 9:30. I have
gotten a total of 27 hours of sleep in the last 3 nights, but I am still
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Never Ending
Everything with my family has gotten a whole lot better, we got a puppy, he's adorable. Oh and Josh and I decided to get a kitten, we named her Nyx and she's 7 weeks old, completely black with blue eyes. We're also getting tattooed on tuesday, stoked!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The 40 Hours
I'm really bummed and stressed out. I miss Jake a lot, but I have an awful feeling in my stomach that this moving in January thing is not going to work out. There is absolutely no way I can live by myself, I thought it was going to work but I'm not making enough money now, I never calculated taxes and everything. The worst part is that I don't know whats going to happen to me and Jake. I can't see myself with anyone in the future besides him.
I hate life
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Beginning of Real Hell
I am so fucking fed up with having to hear about school. I HAVE NO MONEY TO GO TO SCHOOL SO I AM WORKING TO SAVE SOME. I don't know how much more clear I can make it. The thing I am focused on right now is being happy, I want to be around my friends who make me happy, I want to have a reason to wake up in the morning.
So now my grandpa pretty much wants me to go to school or leave, I have $124.53, and no place to go. I have never been more angry than I am today, I'm beyond the point of crying all i want to do is break everything I look at. I feel betrayed and stranded, i don't know where to go from here.
I'm leaving for New Mexico to visit on November 4th, nor my Grandpa or anyone else is fucking stopping me. The prices have gone down too.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The End of Hell
After work tomorrow I'm hanging out with a new friend, so it should be fun! Finally a break from my family! Not that I don't love them or anything, just sometimes you need a break.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Jim to My Pam
The Catch-Up
Let me start by saying that it has been a very rough and stressful two weeks. I have been working non-stop 8 hour days since last Wednesday and I won't have a day off until Thursday of this coming week. I've had three days off since I started working, I haven't had time to breathe. On top of all this, my Grandpa is pushing my buttons day-by-day. It's scary how alike him and my Mom can be sometimes. I miss her a lot, just not any of the stupid crap she sometimes says.
The other day he was driving me to work and decided to repeatedly tear me down, saying that I'm not trying hard enough to save money for school and to "better myself" because I'm spending a week's pay on visiting New Mexico in November, so he wants me to start paying rent. I think all of it is complete bullshit, considering none of his children ever had to pay rent for as long as they were still living under his roof, including my Mom and I when I was younger. I was pretty irate and cried all night because I was so infuriated that he could be such a total jackass. He's the type of person who always has to be right, but I don't remember him being this mean when I was little. Take this for an example, just five minutes ago he was bitching about how the wash smells like mildew because my Grandma leaves it in the washer during the day when she is watching my younger cousins all day, so I told him to do his own wash if he doesn't like it, and all he said is "well, if i didn't work 12 hour days." I don't even know where to go with words on this. There are so many things I could scream to the top of my lungs about, but to him, my words would still never matter.
It was his idea in the first place for me to move out here and stay with them while I saved some money to move back New Mexico like I had told him ONE MILLION times, yet he insists am staying up here. I don't understand why no one listens when I talk. I swear to god everyone has gone mad, or is it just me? (spell check says I should capitalize god but I hate him, so I won't).
In honor of Twyla loving my post a few weeks ago about my favorite toothpaste, here's a picture of me brushing my teeth after an 8 hour day of working and watching the Emmy's. Way to go 30 Rock! I love Tina Fey and the whole cast of 30 Rock, such a great show.
Here's the Log Shop sticker I put on my car. Rollin on Oregon turf, but reppin the Cali surf! I was remembering working at Sanrio with all the girls when the crew was top notch during Christmas of 2006, I miss those Serramonte days. I also really miss the Bay Area, not Pacifica, but the Bay.
And then this is my room as a complete mess, I plan on cleaning it tomorrow, so I'll show after pictures in my next post! The only furniture of mine in my room is that chair I bought at Urban Outfitters a few years ago, some of you may remember I rode it home on BART.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Time Off
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Next Visit
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Gooby
The Exhausted Week
No one believes and/or listened to me when I told them three weeks ago that even though I moved to Portland for a little while I am STILL going back to New Mexico in January/February. My Mom is still upon her rightful high-horse and thinks I'm only going for Jake. While he is a nice part of it, i can honestly say the only time I've been truly happy for days straight in the last year is when I went back to Albuquerque in June. I think it's a good enough excuse to go, I'm not concerned with school right now, I just want to be happy. I miss having friends, and someone to care about, and thats where I can find it.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
The New Car

My Grandpa bought me a car so he wouldn't have to drive me to work every day at 5:30 am. It's so cute, I haven't named her yet, but I will when she gets here Monday morning. She's a 1996 Hyundai Accent (in silver), the picture really doesn't do it justice. If you ever see it in person, I swear you'll automatically assume it's mine, you'll pick it out of a parking lot. It's adorable and also a stick shift, so I have to learn how to drive it.
so into life today.
Friday, September 05, 2008
The Office (US)
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The new Job
Working at Albertson's Coffee Bar, which is Starbucks. I am so excited, i was even excited to take the drug test (which I passed). Today I go in to fill out paperwork, and then I start training on Saturday. The pay is quite well just for training, they don't mind my piercings/tattoo, I have no complaints. Things are picking up finally!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Needed Luck
I literally have 15 cents to my name. I'm depressed.
Monday, September 01, 2008
The Visit
Brad came to visit me for a few days, I tried to show him around Portland but I'm a bad tour guide because i sleep until 1pm every day. I haven't really been online the last four days except to check messages, so I haven't had time to update. I took him to this really awesome bridge/walk that I have always been intrigued by. I've always liked that dark steel/red brick type of city look, you don't see that too often in San Francisco.
It was nice to see an old friend, and I wish the best for him in his future, it sure is bright.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Helpless
I slept two hours last night, and had to get up for work at 7, came home and passed out at 9 and was awoken by non-stop text messages and phone calls for 30 minutes. So of course, now I'm awake and I can't fall back asleep. I watched Ace of Cakes and an awful/awesome movie called '200 Cigarettes' on TBS.f
Fuck it, I just can't win.
...but i trained myself to French-braid my own hair.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Scare
I received other horrible news about 3 hours later, and I'm not sure how to deal with any of this.
If i lose either one of you, I swear, it will be the end of any hope I'll ever have.
The Tally
People are assholes, I hate everything, and I miss Jake.
P.s. Brad is coming to visit me for a little while on Thursday. I haven't seen this playa in 3 years, so stoked.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Lady Bug
This lady we knew who lived downstairs from my great grandma would always eat dinner with us, come to family things, and she was a regular customer at Sanrio when I worked there. I guess her doctor told her that her life would be at risk if she ever got pregnant again, she was on the birth control patch, got pregnant but didn't know it, six months later (this last week) she comes into the doctor feeling weird, turns out shes in labor. She has another son, goes into a coma and dies bleeding internally.
Life is so fucked up.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Reminder
I watched 27 dresses with my grandma tonight, and now I remember why I don't watch them. They bum me out every time because I know love and life never end up that way. This slowly trickles back to how much I hate life and everything in it.
My life will never be a romantic comedy, and I will never be as skinny as Katherine Heigl.
"I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
The 2nd Day of Real Life

I've been doing nothing but unpacking and unpacking and unpacking. I'm trying to figure out how New Mexico is going to work on the time schedule I made. I'm stressing out about paying rent and finding a job and going to school.
Life sucks, i miss my mom, Oregon is weird.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Road Again
feels a little unreal. My sister wouldn't let me go, she clung to me
like a koala bear. A lot of crying happened, and I'm sad to leave but I
know I've got to start my own life, as much as I don't want to grow up.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Baby Shoes
I went to run some errands with my Mom this morning and we ended up going to this place called 'Barely Worn,' a children's consignment store. I found these tiny red converse high tops for five dollars so I bought them.
Now I don't have kids, i don't plan on having kids for a really really really long time, but I got them just to have for the future. Maybe its a girl thing.
I'm getting really tired of listening to my step dad treat my mom like shit, every day it gets worse and worse. I don't want to leave her here with him, I'm afraid of the shit that will go down when I'm not here.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Gift
Christa gave me a gift today, one of the most sentimental and meaningful (and not to mention beautiful) ones I've ever received.
She told me a story about when she divorced her first husband, and how afterwards she felt lost, so she bought herself this necklace. It says "Please Return to Tiffany & Co." with its own serial number. She figured if she ever turned crazy and someone found her in the street, she'd hope that they would return her to Tiffany's. When her life turned around she stopped wearing it, and felt like she no longer needed it. She understands that I am going through a huge phase of feeling lost, (especially taking a huge leap with my future) this weekend, so she gave it to me, her 18-year-old-self. I admire her so much, and I hope that when I have grown older that I will encompass a lot of the qualities she possesses, truly an incredible friend and person. I'm going to miss her and the girls terribly.
I baked a vegan banana/raisin/pecan bread thing, it's delicious.
Today I got a quarter back in change from buying an Arizona lemon tea, and it was a New Mexico quarter, I think it's a sign that I'm headed on the right track.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Psychopath
I bet you think you've done something really clever, by talking to Jake and telling him all these wild stories about us "having sex" and how much I hate him. You are mentally insane, and you need some fucking help before I get to you, Jake gets to you, my family gets to, or the authorities get to you. I have enough evidence against you for a lengthy harassment suit, and I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't be too stoked to hear about all the shit you've said, and also how you flew all the way out here just to meet me.
Jake is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and if you ever decide to say another fucking word to him, my family, or me, I swear to god you'll be having fucking nightmares for decades after I ruin your entire life.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Lifeless
I don't know what to do when I don't have the answers.
The Dependency
Sometimes I wish I never felt this way about you, and that we never met. I don't know if I could ever handle losing you for good. This is usually the point where I want to walk away, but I can't walk away from you.
I'm tired of living my life paranoid and afraid of everything.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Boxes
Talked to my Grandma for an hour about tons of stuff. I'm about 95% sure I'm just going to go to hair school, i don't feel like pursuing any sort of future career, but if I have to I might as well do something I'm alright at. I've changed my mind so many times, but I'm positive I'll just take the easy way out. Plus it's in my blood, my mom is stoked on it, she's done nails for almost 18 years so having her first born in a salon is like destiny. I feel the most comfortable in a salon anyways, i took my first steps in one!
The Tough Skin
I wish I was as oblivious as Bosworth.
I've sort of built a tolerance to bullshit, but I can feel it starting to weigh down on me. I feel like I've been consistently sick for the last 3 weeks. No one talks in this house, every one yells and screams, having a decent conversation is highly unlikely, so i always have a headache.
I also feel like I'm becoming one of those whiny teens who is depressed because their parents hate each other and fight all the time. It's not even the fact that they fight, they've been fighting like this since before they were married 7 years ago, but it's that I have to listen to it because it's extremely annoying. The walls are paper thin downstairs so I can hear every single whisper. Its especially distracting when I'm trying to do shit. I'm also starting to fall into this insane routine that is driving me nuts.
When I don't have work, I go to sleep every night at nearly 4am, then I wake up at 12, sit around all fucking day on the computer or watching television that I'm sure is killing my brain by the second. I just have nothing to do, I don't watch my little brother and sister anymore because my Dad stays home now. But the thing is, is that I don't want to go anywhere. Well, I do want to go places but not with anyone. I don't want to see any of my friends, I just prefer to be alone. I don't have friends here anymore anyways, burned those bridges months ago. Literally everyone I know and trust lives somewhere else, and being around shitty people just makes me want to kill myself, so I just don't talk to or hang out with anyone.
I stopped taking pictures, quit taking walks, and stopped giving a fuck about anything or anyone. This has been going on since about February, so I'm used to it, but I miss having something to wake up for every day.
I aint got no one else
The situation is bleeding me
Theres no relief for a person like me
Depressions got a hold of me
Depression-i gotta break free
Depressions got a hold of me
Depressions gonna kill me
I aint got no friends to call my own
I just sit here all alone
Theres no girls that want to touch me
I dont need your goddamn sympathy..."
-Black Flag Depression
I wish Jake was here, or even better yet, I wish I was where he is. I just miss cuddling at night, it was so easy to fall asleep there.