Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Exhausted Week

I haven't updated almost all week because I've been busy working from Tuesday until today. I work at 5:30 am so I've just been tired. Everyone has decided they want to piss me off today, so this isn't going to be pleasant to deal with tomorrow.

No one believes and/or listened to me when I told them three weeks ago that even though I moved to Portland for a little while I am STILL going back to New Mexico in January/February. My Mom is still upon her rightful high-horse and thinks I'm only going for Jake. While he is a nice part of it, i can honestly say the only time I've been truly happy for days straight in the last year is when I went back to Albuquerque in June. I think it's a good enough excuse to go, I'm not concerned with school right now, I just want to be happy. I miss having friends, and someone to care about, and thats where I can find it.

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