Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Boxes

Today I listed to Jawbreaker and went through the ex-boyfriend boxes. I need to return Keith's stuff so it was a good excuse to go through Ryan's box too. I remember Brad saw the box in my closet one time, with all the letters and pictures from my boyfriends in middle school and stuff, it was so funny. But anyways, going through Keith's box was easy, it was just filled with tons of bus transfers, movie tickets, a few cds and some of his comic books. Ryan's box I've been avoiding for over a year, i just don't like remembering how much of an asshole I am sometimes. I reread all the letters, i keep them because they make me laugh still.

Talked to my Grandma for an hour about tons of stuff. I'm about 95% sure I'm just going to go to hair school, i don't feel like pursuing any sort of future career, but if I have to I might as well do something I'm alright at. I've changed my mind so many times, but I'm positive I'll just take the easy way out. Plus it's in my blood, my mom is stoked on it, she's done nails for almost 18 years so having her first born in a salon is like destiny. I feel the most comfortable in a salon anyways, i took my first steps in one!

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