i made this video from a few clips i had from a few days ago. unfortunately, my mom's camera is terribly old, and as a result takes terrible photos/videos, the quality isn't all that great. I seem to feel that way today, at 2 in the morning. I was going through my pictures to add to my portfolio for the Academy of Art Open House I'm going to on Saturday. I only chose a few because i felt that none of them were actually good enough to be shown to professionals. I at least wanted to choose some that showed i have potential.
Brad suggested I send in a picture i took a few years ago, my Sophomore year of high school, for the contest this month. It's of me and my old friend sitting on the ground in this grotesquely green bathroom, ditching class. He does have a valid argument, almost all of my photos are of nature things, I don't even like nature! I rarely go outside these days! I feel that if I had a better camera, and more opportunities to shoot different subjects, I could've had some great shots to show for admissions. I'm actually really disappointed.
If I don't win the contest this month, I will be a little sad, but if i don't attempt it at all, I'll never know what could've happened. So if I go to this open house on Saturday with something in my hands, anything at all, at least it'll show I'm trying, I've tried, I will try.

i failed to mention yesterday that i've got my ticket to Beirut, thanks to an awesome friend, an also I will be seeing Twyla in about two weeks. Everything is starting to be alright again.
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