Monday, December 10, 2007

the ridiculous finals

i have a performance final for both Drama and Film, that asshole is making us do the same project in both classes. I despise doing poetry slams, poetry makes me want to kill myself most of the time, i just don't like it. I'd rather read you an excerpt from a book that meant something real without the use of metaphors.

You know what else i'd like? For someone to play and sing me Butterfly by Weezer, i think i'd die if anyone ever did. My hair has grown so i can put it up now, its so weird. Today i'm feeling a little out of it, like im not really here, im just breathing and walking, an empty basket if you will.
My top artist on Last.Fm this week was Sufjan Stevens! p.s. Eisley sucks, i can't believe i used to actually listen to this. Awkward Things I Say To Girls hasn't updated in a while, i'm getting a bit anxious. I wonder how many times i can change the subject in one paragraph.

I got a Christmas card in the mail today from Candace! I love you!


Justin said...

I know. I'm sorry. I'm getting anxious about it too. The next thing I have to write scares me to death!

If it makes it any better, check back Wednesday morning. I think it'll be done then.

p.s. I love that song.

. said...

oh my god! i'm counting the hours, minutes, seconds!

p.s. weezer rules