its so weird, i have no idea where on earth this comes from. i find him oddly attractive in the freakiest nastiest sort of ways. i think it might be the tattoos and the whole "fuck you i fuck everything that walks i used to be a prostitute" thing. Seriously, the man has "Thank You" tattooed above his penis.
i so agree. me and my friends were talking about how sexy he is when he sings. i dont know what it is..i think its his voice, and the fact that he hardly wears clothes, ha. and for those people who compare him to jefree star, wth??!! jefree is a woman! fabulous, yes, but no mickey avalon. {[i ♥ Mickey Avalon]}
I AbSoLuTeLy agree; he's dirty, filthy, nasty and hit a couple branches of the ugly tree on his way down... But the man is sex on legs!!!
I think it's cause of how much of a contradiction he is -
He rap's but he's white, he makes some awsome tunes but he doesn't give a s*#t, he's famous but he wears torn jeans if anything...
He's sold himself but he hasn't sold out, he doesn't conform, his music doesn't conform. He gets the tattoos, says and does the things nobody else is balls enough to.
AND the BEST of all?? Mickey Avalon doesn't give you ANY chance to judge, because he REALLY TRUELY doesn't give a F*#K so you just have to love him.......
signed, obsessed x
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