I've been getting down about living in America lately, following this election and seeing all of the tactics being used to sway voters one way or another. I have been outspoken on my view against Hillary Clinton, not only for her policies, but the way she's handled her campaign from the beginning. I'm not pointing any fingers directly, but the whole scandal of someone bringing up the fact that Sen. Obama might be a Muslim made me feel sorry for humanity. Hillary's response wasn't shining either, instead of denying the fact that he might be a Muslim, she should have just said, "so what if he is?" This just proves that people are still stereotyping Muslims as terrorists, or something wrong. Just because one extremist group, who happen to be radical Muslims, commits an act of terror doesn't mean they all are out to hurt America. And I'm not just pointing fingers at Americans, go to any comment on a stupid YouTube video posted by an American and there will be at least one that says something to the effect of "stupid Americans." Or a racist YouTube video posted by an American, there will be at least one comment to the effect of "redneck Americans." America is a huge country, I mean really, its enormous, and in every part the people are different. Mentalities of the people in the south differ from the mentalities of the people in the northern east coast, and it's been that way for centuries, why do you think there was a civil war? I have lived and been to every part of this country enough to tell you that we are all different, and stereotyping Americans as gun-crazed rednecks is just as stupid as some Americans stereotyping all Muslims or people of the Islamic faith, terrorists.
I've been reading a lot of books, and watching a lot of movies and documentaries about Socialist East Germany and how they used the later renamed Patriot-Act to stalk supposed anti-party civilians. I can't help but wonder if I'll be put on the terror watch for blogging this.
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