Friday, April 04, 2008

the cream filled

It's 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep as usual, so I'll write down my itinerary for today, its jam-packed with eventfulness.

1.Wake-up at 9, shower, possibly eat.
2.Leave my house at 10:30, drive to Half Moon Bay with my mom, sister and brother for their swim lessons at 11 and 11:30.
3. Around 12:20 we leave swim lessons, drive to San Carlos and go to Brittan Park to eat lunch. Play on the metal fire truck, have mad flashbacks of being in elementary school. My mom used to take me there all the time. I hate being in the peninsula because it brings back really weird deja vu that I don't know how to deal with. You know when you're a kid and you grow up thinking that something looked one way but when you go back to it years later it's not the way you remembered it, it feels uneasy? might be just me since I left the bay when I was 9 and didn't come back to live here until I was 16.
4. I have an appointment at my mom's spa at 3
5. Rush back to Daly City to meet Ian at BART at 4:30
6. Take BART to embarcadero, walk to the pier for a night filled with fun at The
Musee Mecanique.
7. Fun nonsense around the city
8. Come home!

should be quite fun, i get to be in a place I hate and a place I love in the same day.

(my day isn't cream filled, but if the shoe fits...)

1 comment:

Ambelina said...

So I take it today was a good day?

I don't know how to do all that stuff to gifs.
I just used a website.