i forgot to share the Munny i painted on Easter with all of you! He's an edgy Panda, I named him Andy. His glasses are so adorable, I'm thinking of painting them green.
I got news today that I'll be house-sitting for a week in the end of April, which means I get an awesome house to myself for a week just to let dogs in and out all day. I'm looking forward to my week of solitude, i shouldn't even ask her to pay me, she's doing me the favor. I'm not throwing a party in her house, and I'm not letting anyone over, so don't ask. Seriously, I'm more responsible than that! She's done so much for me, giving me the Nikon 2000 SLR with 2 lenses, and she gave me another camera she doesn't use today. She's hooked me up with other clients who needed babysitters, and she told me about the photography contest. I'm really thankful to have someone like her in my life.
In other news, my t-mobile rebate came in today and also my tax return! I'm not cashing my tax return until my parents leave for their vacation in May, during the week of my birthday, so I can use that money for my tattoo (which has now been ultimately decided upon as the crummy paint drawing I did below). I'm using my t-mobile rebate to finish dying my hair blond, I'm too lazy to do it myself so I'm going to my mom's salon to get it done.honestly, it'll make more sense when you see it actually drawn out, and I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to put the quote, "..how strange it is to be anything at all.."
Today is also April Fools day, so I've played a sick trick on my Mom for her to find when she gets home from work. I took a screen shot of her desktop, set it as her desktop background, hid her task bar and desktop icons, so when she tries to click anything it won't work because its only a picture of her desktop. i got the idea from Digg, I'm not a genius, but I am in fact, a nerd.
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