i woke up this morning, sick as hell, so i stayed inside all day watching tv. it rained a little. i watched the democratic youtube debate on CNN, and i felt well informed. I want to like Hilary Clinton because she is a woman, but i can't. I had hope for Obama until some of his answers were unclear and i didn't agree with them. New Mexico Governor(whoop!) Richardson was quiet, subtle and funny. Biden has some great views i agree with, as well as Kucinich, but i dont know everything about them yet to take a side. Dodd is old, and rude. John Edwards is young and i hate his mixed views. Michael Gravel spoke loudly and out of turn, he is also old, and ridiculous. This youtube questioning idea was great, a lot of good questions were asked. An Athiest asked a question about pressuring religion and i was so glad that Edwards was cool with it, but Obama was so shady. I'm so excited to be 18 and vote.
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