I have started borrowing money out of the iPod fund, (which got stolen a few months ago when we were moving along with the hand truck, I hate you Albany) which is now empty, and I borrowed money out of my California fund to buy drugs. Ahh, priorities. When I get back from vacation my first move is to pay back all of my debt. And the shitty part about all this is that if someone just gave me a chance I could've been borrowing money from some asshole in a suit who will sign me off in a year as an official "fee and interest customer," and then I will be able to buy the computer I've been trying to get for the last year.
I seem to be just taking the long route by picking up small bills every once in a while that count as credit. I pay my student loan, a cell phone plan in my name, and as of recently the internet at our new house. I guess the important thing is that I'm not fucking up my credit, which really tends to bite you in the ass later in life when people refuse to give you things or do things for you because of it. I could seriously damage my chances of getting an apartment in California because there are 1000000 people there who would make the payments on time.
Blah, the way things work is just so depressing. I'm glad I wasn't old and saw the world turn into this, I was just born here, I'm not responsible. I do believe however that it is the younger generation's responsibility to fix all of this up when all the old people can't tell us what to do anymore, because they'll all be dead.
Whoa, young rebel, having all the old people dead won't solve a thing. My baby boom generation, albeit an annoying and preachy group, did a lot to cut through the crap that was clinging to the barnacles of the American Dream machine. We were the first generation to oppose a war, fight for civil rights, birth control and equal pay and go braless. A corny composer said it well, "we didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world was turning." As a member of the generation that coined the phrase "don't trust anyone over 30" I can't be lumped into a category labeled 'Old People.' I'm not old, I'm timeless, we made a difference. Blah,blah,blah . . .
When i say 'old people' im in general saying 'old white men in suits making bad decisions.' i definitely have respect for the things people with common sense have done despite their age and im lumping you in THAT category!
Don't do that, appease me just to keep a reader. I'm just sensitive about turning 60. I'll keep reading.
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