Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Drank

Literally, the only thing keeping me from puking right now is keeping my fingers moving and thinking of how shitty this blog post is going to be.

I went out last night for my girl Ashley's 24th birthday and decided to stay awake till 2 am taking shots of rum and chiefing some marijhuahua. I knew right then and there I had work at 7:30 am, but my drunk person is brave. I tried not to whine as much as possible, its my fault, but the power of being a manager is paying off all too well. I got someone to come in and work the ass end of my shift so really I'm just killing five hours on this couch because it's pouring rain and no one eats when it rains I guess. It is really easy to kill time on the internet.

Burping alcohol the next morning has got to be the worst feeling on the planet. Tequila doesn't sit well with me and I started the night out with a margarita of my own as well as Ashley's massive birthday drink which was a free kiddie pool of drink mix and double tapped tequila. Maybe I should stop talking about this, it's occupying my brain with the worst thoughts.

I'm supposed to be going with some friends to buffalo tomorrow to see an all girl punk fest, but at this point I am NOT looking forward to it. The thought of waking up on my own and spending a rainy day inside is looking exponentially better than sitting in a van with 7 people for 10 hours. Although I do want to see the bands, I'm a hermit. Sunday is my only day off during the week too, god, what am I thinking. If Connor wasn't playing I would DEFINITELY say 'fuck it' lets watch horror movies in bed, but Anal Warhead must go on.

Eating toast and napping as soon as the counter girl gets in...

1 comment:

dawn marie giegerich said...

Ah, to be young. Tequila makes me invincible and hallucinate, all at the same time. Hooray! :)