Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Danger There

"Fools rush in where wise men never go, but wise men never fall in love, so how are they to know?"

So, I lied. I was wrong and all that, but theres no going back. Josh hates me, he knows Connor and I have been seeing each other for a bit. I can't say it ended the way i hoped it would, there were three days of screaming, crying, and lots of anger towards each other. I've been going on bike rides to keep my head out of the water, but this week has been too below average for my sweet taste. My hours got cut in half this week because August has been slow, and the job hunt so far isn't successful. A lot of places drug test, and thats not really my style. I don't want to work some place where they're concerned about what i do on my free time. At my job now i show up every day and I show up on time. I've called in sick one time since i started there in January, not too shabby for a pot head is it? I get my bills paid and my responsibilities taken care of, but outside of work I'm a different person, and thats the way it should be.

I've been hanging out with my roommates more often, and it's easier because they're out of the "scenester" loop, and they're on my side when i get the chance to complain about being harassed for three days. My house seems to be the only safe area now too, it's really the only place Connor and I can be without being afraid of outer drama seeping in.

And I've gotten a lot better at cooking, too. FOR REAL! I make something different every night, and the more I do the more I know. I successfully made a red thai curry last night with vegetables from Connor's mom's garden. And it wasn't disgusting! I'd make it again!

New tattoo also, from a super cool equipped roommate. They're California poppies!

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