Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The New Deal

I have figured it all out, think. For the past couple of weeks Connor and I have been brainstorming places that we could move when the lease is up. California has always been at the top of my list, and I had my heart set on San Diego. I think I'm ready to go home though. And by home I dont mean living with my parent, we (meaning my mom and I) have agreed that this is NOT an option. And I don't mean pacifica either, because frankly I will never call that shit hole full of shit hole people my home. If I move back I'm going to live in San Francisco, yeah it's expensive but I'm a hermit and every dollar I spend on rent will be put to good use.

If it's anything I've learned by floating around for the last 20 years it's that no matter where you are you should be with your family. I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth but it's true. I found something that makes my life stable and that's food. If you like what you do you are going to like your life, I just had to go out and find what I truly loved more than hating everyone and that's cooking and baking. I also had to find someone along side of me who I could learn from and someone who could learn from me and that's Connor.

He's teaching me how to be a social butterfly again. To talk at the people who you can't stand instead of being offended by their stupidity and arrogance, which I have to do quite often living here in New York. The difference between him and everyone else is that he wants a family, which means he is really mushy inside (but I won't get into that for your lunch's sake). He wants to meet my family and I know they will just adore him, he fits snug like the last puzzle piece In my life and I can't wait for them to meet.

I also can't wait to be apart of my family's life. Olivia and Jagger need a person in their life to be the mediator between parent and friend, and I had that in my uncle Shaun. I want to teach them common sense about things my parents will tell them to avoid because they're parents and that's what they're supposed to do, like friend problems and boy/girl problems. In all honestly I'm just coming back to disapprove every one of my siblings suitors, no one will ever be good enough for my baby brother and sister, maybe I just feel that way because I know some day soon they will be crushed by the opposite sex so badly they want to die, and I want to be there for that.

I also want to take them away on some weekends to give my parents a chance to love each other again. They never have time alone without a bedtime, and I want them to start sleeping in the same bed again. I understand my brothers a bit of a bed hog but they have been married for 8 years, they need to get a bigger bed or start acting like they love each other and TRY to love each other. I know they do, I've seen my mothers lovey eyes when she looks at him since I was 7 years old and I can't wait for them to fall back in love again.

Here's something else Connor has taught me, love can last. I was always a cynic believing that marriage can never work, but it can, I've seen it in his family. His mom and dad might not be together anymore but I can tell that his mom and stepdad David love each other very much. Thats why I like to go visit them all the time, they can deal with the stress in their lives because they have structure and teamwork in their daily lives. Everytime we go up there there is something new they've built together as a family in the garden or time they put in together working on the house, and I love that about them. I want my family to be this way too because it works and it keeps them healthy together, that's why Hannah and Jack are so smart and well behaved!

Well enough of my sappy rant, just thought you all should know I'm at a different place in my life and I'm ready to be apart of my family's. I'm ready to bring home the lessons ive learned along this crazy path that still has a few more miles on it.

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