Monday, March 02, 2009

The New Deal

Everyday I think more and more about moving to New York, part of me is super excited and the other half is hesitant. It's really far away first of all, and the second thing I'm worried about is finding a job. I won't be able to take much with me so I'll have to sell a bunch of things. It wasn't until I moved to Portland did I realize how many childlike things I still own. I'm trying to grow up, I just don't want to.

I've been looking up things about Albany and it looks like it'd be a lot of fun to live there. Come September I'll be out of school, and it seems like this would be a step forward in my life.

The news around the house is that we'll be moving into a new place way earlier than we expected, March 15th instead of April 15th. I haven't even started packing yet!

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