i've been really irritable today. i know why, but it's starting to get on my nerves. I thought i wanted my family to come home from the road trip but now i realize that they are the most annoying people on the planet, and i have absolutely zero amount of "brandi time." its back to nagging and yelling and frustration. on a good note, school went by fast today. the two p.e. classes are starting to wear me down, my knees and ankles are angry with me and refuse to work properly. Tomorrow is the pointless homecoming rally, it's been "spirit week" all week, and i can't wait to get back to normal when all of the kids go back to wearing their normally ridiculous clothes. i don't think that wearing so much eyeliner that it looks like you've been working on an oil change and accidentally rubbed your eyes, counts as proper make-up, i'm pretty sure theres a fashion police law about it. Also, everyone else who shops at the ever-rebellious-Hot Topic has the same outfit as you, you aren't unique.
senioritis hasn't kicked in yet, because I've only missed one or so days of school, but every morning i wake up i do think about faking sick and staying home. Maybe senioritis isn't only when you don't show up, its just when you don't want to be there. Theres a strong, focused hatred towards at least 4 people in every class, idiots seem to be drawn more to Schneider's classes though.
We were doing this unit on Do The Right Thing in film class, and since it's about racism one person decided to make it about ignorance (then the entire class followed suit). Which i guess in a sense holds some sort of truth, but honestly its the not the entire theme/premise of the movie. The worst part is that she kept replying, "ignorance, ignorance, ignorance," to
every question. Get a new vocabulary, PLEASE. I just strongly dislike pretentious people. Ignorance does not explain the theory of love and hate throughout human history, while it does relate,
ignorance is not the definition. Trying to sum up man's existence with one word is completely irrational.
I do wish our human history could be summed up in the word "
Love", though.
I finished
Sowkins today, the last chapter was my favorite. There are a lot of life lessons in the book i can relate to, practically anyone who has a working mind can relate to the feelings, I really loved how she captured the memories in such a detailed description. I've been writing her lately, and for the past two days i'd come home and have a message from her, but today i haven't gotten one yet.
In our film class we're starting a unit on photography, i can't wait to bring in some of the photos i've been taking lately. Mr. Schneider's going to let me use my Lomo camera in class for the assignments, i want to go get another this weekend from urban outfitters.
(Pictured: A tree covered in postings on my trip to oregon over summer. I'm thinking about bringing this one in for our "show and tell" (of sorts) tomorrow. i can't decide on which picture to bring in though)